Lecturer in History, Columbia University
Postdoctoral scholar, The Making and Knowing Project, Center for Science and Society, Columbia University

I am a historian of early modern material culture, with a particular interest in clothing and textiles. My PhD connected changes in the making, wearing, owning, control, and bequeathal of clothing to the development of early modern London c.1560-1660 and now I am researching two new projects - one about early modern dyes and colour, and the other on tailoring during the English civil war and interregnum. I am interested in ideas of craft, embodiment, materiality, the history of emotions, the history of the senses and the body. I work with objects as well as images and texts, and came to the Making and Knowing project because of my conviction that reconstruction is a generative methodology for historians. I took the Spring 2016 class as a student (read my annotation here) and am delighted return to the project as a postdoc in 2017.

Weaving Knowledge Workshop, July 2016, Ban Rai Jai Sook near Chiang Mai Thailand - winding warp threads onto woven basket bobbins